Empowering you to help survivors of trafficking live beyond their trauma.
It is a delight to invite you into this online community that has been a dream of mine for the past few years. When deciding what to call this unique platform, I decided on Bloomify because 1) many times what we are doing is planting seeds of hope in those who have experienced exploitation and 2) according to Cambridge Dictionary, the root word ify means to “increase or to become.” Bloomify is the process of empowering individuals to become all that they want to be through believing in them and planting seeds of hope in their lives. We might not fully see the impact of the investments being made and we are making a difference.
Feel free to explore the expanding resources on this site and if there are specific things that you would find helpful in the work you do with survivors of trafficking let me know.
Since this site makes up my income, please do not share your login information. Instead, encourages others to get their own membership or if there is a training that you would want your entire staff to listen to—please reach out to me at jessa@jessacrisp.com. I am here to help get this information into the hands of those that are working with survivors and would like to work with you to make this information accessible to those that need it most!
I know that the work you do is hard and I am excited to get to know you over this next year!
All Things Written
handouts, books, and blogs
educational and inspiring
calendar and links for Q&A session
information on live trainings/consultations
Healing is rarely an event, a singularity we can point to. It is a process, an unfolding over time, a turning toward the place of injury for as long as it is needed.”
Hillary L McBride