
Godoy, S.M., Bellatorre, C., Clarke, A., McClay, F., Rose, T., Bennett, C., Crisp, J., Chapman, M. V. (2024). “This is the first time I’ve felt seen”: How Community-Engagement Can Improve Human Trafficking Research, International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference, Webinar.

Crisp, J. (2024). A common phenomenon: Dissociative experiences in survivors of trafficking. Children’s Advocacy Centers of Pennsylvania, Webinar.

Crisp, J. (2024). Living beyond the trauma of trafficking. Believe Conference, Child Advocacy Center of the Finger Lakes, NY.

Crisp, J. D. (Accepted Presentation, June 2023). A common phenomenon: Dissociative experiences in survivors of trafficking. International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference.

Crisp, J. D. (2023, January). Picking up the pieces: The process of change, additional interventions, and safety considerations. Women’s Behavioral Health, Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Institute, West Penn Hospital, Webinar.

Crisp, J. D. (2022, December). The impact of trafficking: Complex trauma and dissociative disorders. Women’s Behavioral Health, Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Institute, West Penn Hospital, Webinar.

Crisp, J. D. (2022, December). Strategies for working with survivors of human trafficking. Women’s Behavioral Health, Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Institute, West Penn Hospital, Webinar.

Crisp, J. D. (2022, November). Exposing and responding to human trafficking. Women’s Behavioral Health, Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Institute, West Penn Hospital, Webinar.

Crisp, J. D. (2023). Beyond a program: Setting survivors up for a life-time of success. National Trafficking Sheltered Alliance Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.

Crisp, J. D. (2022, September). Intersection the voice of survivor leadership and trauma-informed practices. International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference, Webinar.

Crisp, J. D. (2022, September). Listen to the silence: The hidden elements of familial trafficking. International Human Trafficking and Social Justice Conference, Webinar.  

Crisp, J. D. (2022, September). Finding the Sunrise. David Tutera Experience, Malibu, CA.

Crisp, J. D. (2022, June). Engaging with the silence: Providing aftercare services for survivors of familial trafficking. Light the Way End Human Trafficking Summit with the Department of Family and Protective Services, Dallas, TX.

Crisp, J. D. (2022, May). Engaging survivors of trafficking through a complex trauma lens. Grit Conference, Sheridan, WY.

Crisp, J.D. (2022). Engaging survivors of trafficking through a complex trauma lens. Children’s Advocacy Centers of Pennsylvania, Webinar.

Greenbaum, J. Borlik, M. F., Song, S. J., Crisp, J. D., Bounds, D., Godoy, S. (2021). Friend or Foe? The virtual world and commercial sexual exploitation of children in the era of COVID-19. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference, Webinar.

Crisp, J. D. (2021). Ethical storytelling. JuST Conference, Washington, D.C.

Crisp, J. D. (2021). Trauma-informed lawyering. Pepperdine Caruso School of Law. Malibu, CA.

Richmond, J. C., Crisp, J. D., Woworuntu, S., Rahe, A., & Garrett, A. (2020, December). Survivor engagement: The future of the anti-trafficking movement. U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons Office, Webinar.

Crisp, J. D. (2020, October). Engaging survivors through a complex trauma lens [Keynote]. Human Trafficking Symposium of Southern Colorado. Colorado Springs, CO.

Crisp, J. D. (2020, October). Exposing and responding to human trafficking for medical Providers [Keynote]. MOCA Conference, Omaha, NE.

Crisp, J. D. (2019, November). Living beyond the trauma of trafficking [Keynote]. EMS Preparedness Conference, Burlington, VT.

Crisp, J. D. (2019, October). Hope is real: A story of surviving and living beyond trafficking [Keynote]. U.S. Center for SafeSport, Parker, CO.

Crisp, J. D. (2019, October). HT 101: Exposing and responding to human trafficking.Human Trafficking Task Force of Southern Colorado Annual Symposium, Colorado Springs, CO.  

Crisp, J. D., & Roche, K.D. (2019, October). Empowering survivors of human trafficking through service animals. JuST Conference, Cincinnati, OH.

Crisp, J. D. (2019, September). Surrendering out pain. Howard Payne University, Brownwood, TX.

Crisp, J. D. (2019, July). Bridging resources, fostering hope. U.S. Human Trafficking Presidential Advisory Council, Denver, CO.

Malebranche, D., & Crisp, J. D. (2018, October). Cross-cultural dynamics in survivor engagement: Understanding complex trauma responses in human trafficking. JuST Conference, San Diego, CA.

Crisp, J. D. (2018, October). Seeing the unseen elements of human trafficking [Keynote]. Human Trafficking Symposium of Southern Colorado, Colorado Springs, CO.

Crisp, J. D. (2018, September). Trauma-informed care: Through the eyes of a survivor. Judicial District 17th Human Trafficking Task Force, Brighton, CO.

Crisp, J. D. (2018, August). Seeing the unseen elements of human trafficking [Keynote]. Human Trafficking Task Force Outreach Symposium, Scottsbluff, NE.

Crisp, J. D. (2018, June). Living beyond the trauma of human trafficking [Keynote]. Tri-Cities Coalition Human Trafficking Conference, Richland, WA.

Crisp, J. D. (2018, June). Trauma-informed care: Illuminating the complex trauma of human trafficking. Tri-Cities Coalition Human Trafficking Conference, Richland, WA.

Crisp, J. D. (2018, June). Understanding and responding to human trafficking: Training for Law Enforcement. Tri-Cities Coalition Human Trafficking Conference, Richland, WA.

Malebranche, D., & Crisp, J. D. (2018, May). Cross-cultural dynamics in survivor engagement: Understanding complex trauma responses in human trafficking. Global Alliance Behavioral Health Conference, Denver, CO.

Crisp, J. D. (2018, May). Understanding and responding to human trafficking: Training for medical professionals. Great Lakes Homeland Security Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.

Crisp, J. D. (2018, April). Engaging in the journey through addressing relapse, resilience, and recovery [Keynote]. University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, IN.

Crisp, J. D. (2018, February). Exposing and responding to human trafficking. National Character Leadership Symposium for the Air Force, Colorado Springs, CO.

Crisp, J. D. (2018, January). Exposing and responding to human trafficking. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C.

Crisp, J. D. (2018, January). Exposing and responding to human trafficking. Kenyan Government, Tala, Kenya.

Crisp, J. D. (2017, October). Trauma informed care: Illuminating the complex trauma of human trafficking. Colorado Department of Youth Services Conference, Centennial, CO.

Crisp, J. D. (2017, October). Integrating narrative photography into therapeutic programming. JuST Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Malebranche, D., Snow, E., & Crisp, J. D. (2017, October). Complex trauma in trafficking survivors. JuST Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Crisp, J. D. (2017, May). Exposing and responding to the game. Wyoming Law EnforcementAcademy, Douglas, WY.

Crisp, J. D. (2017, May). Human trafficking training for medical providers and EMT/EMS. Great Lakes Homeland Security Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.

Crisp, J. D. (2017, April). Trafficking and criminology. Regis University, Denver, CO.

Crisp, J. D. (2017, April). The creative force of healing through photography. TEDtalk finalist, Denver, CO.